The Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), also known as the Asiatic elephant, is a species of elephant distributed throughout the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia, from India in the west to Borneo in the east, and Nepal in the north to Sumatra in the south. Three subspecies are recognised—E. m. maximus, E. m. indicus and E. m. sumatranus. The Asian elephant is characterised by its long trunk with a single finger-like processing; large tusks in males; laterally folded large ears but smaller in contrast to African elephants; and wrinkled grey skin. The skin is smoother than African elephants and may be depigmented on the trunk, ears or neck.
Fan Casting
Angela Bassett
Viola Davis
Octavia Spencer
Regina King
Alfre Woodard
Cate Blanchett
Michelle Pfeiffer
Halle Berry
Lupita Nyong'o
Zoe Saldaña
Scarlett Johansson
Rosario Dawson
Taraji P. Henson
Elizabeth Olsen
Danai Gurira
Hailee Steinfeld
Naomie Harris
Anya Taylor-Joy
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