Frank, after attempting retirement, establishes himself in New York City by taking on the Gnucci crime syndicate. He’s living in a van, which he has armed with hidden weapons for extra security. Detective Soap is assigned to "catch" the Punisher, however, it is purely a P.R. move, as the police do not really want Frank caught as they secretly condone his actions. Frank turns Soap to his side, making him his informant. The Gnuccis make an attempt on Frank’s life, leading to Frank stealthily killing the hitmen in Central Park Zoo. The leader of the Gnucci crime family, Ma Gnucci, accompanies the hit squad to confirm that the job is completed. However, Frank she would be arriving, tricking the mob kingpin into entering the polar bear enclosure. This event causes Ma Gnucci the loss of her arms and legs. An enraged Gnucci sends Barracuda, Billy Russo, Typhoid Mary, and Bushwacker after Castle, causing a gruesome battle throughout New York, ending in Frank decapitating Barracuda, dismembering Bushwacker, shooting Typhoid Mary, and seriously damaging Russo’s face. Frank throws a grenade in the mouth of Barracuda’s head into Ma Gnucci’s bedroom when she is sleeping, causing a large explosion, killing Gnucci. Frank seems aware of the following power vacuum, which is teased with a post-credits scene featuring The Kingpin, who has been controlling everything all along. However, he’s not alone in the room, with Jigsaw appearing behind him.