Warner bros paramount pictures hasbro studios universal pictures
by Warner animation group Hasbro studios dreamworks animation
Story added by efrainflores on October 6, 2024
The story was begin that both Orion pax and d-16 were best friends as like brothers but then bumblebee was one who met Orion and d-16 and Ariel that’s they have to go find the allspark itself but then primus was in the old abandoned cave for millions of years but then everything has changed Orion has t cogs to save cybertron and everything but the quintesons are main source to destroy cybertron at the end but Ariel and Orion and bumblebee and d-16 were saving the day but it’s not over d-16 wanted to be a prime but Orion is he met sentinel prime the greatest primes d-16 was sad and angry and weak but his eyes are glowing red but he met the more
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