Fan Casting Spider-Man (MCU) as Rebel #8 in War in the Omniverse

disneymaster1901 made this fan casting suggestion on May 17, 2023. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Spider-Man (MCU) as Rebel #8 in War in the Omniverse

Spider-Man (MCU)United States

Peter Parker is a fictional character portrayed by Tom Holland in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) media franchise–based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name—also known by his alias, ...
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Spider-Man (MCU)


Rebel #8 (Marvel rep)


War in the Omniverse

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War in the Omniverse

War in the Omniverse

Super Smash Bros Ultimate World of Light with elements of Injustice 2.
by Super Wahrrior
Join Galeem to help bring the megaverse into pure light or help Dharkon plunge the megaverse into darkness. Perhaps you would rather see the megaverse under Tabuu's rule. Or perhaps you want to joi...
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0 comments on Spider-Man (MCU) as Rebel #8 in War in the Omniverse

Spider-Man (MCU) has been suggested by fans for 67 roles on myCast, including Characters that should return in What should be in marvel phase 6?. Similar actors include Doctor Strange (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Scarlet Witch (Marvel Cinematic Universe), and Spider-Man. Spider-Man (MCU) was suggested to play Rebel #8 in War in the Omniverse by disneymaster1901. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Star-Lord (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Captain America (Marvel Cinematic Universe), and Iron Man (Marvel Cinematic Universe). War in the Omniverse has 22 roles, including Rebel #6, Rebel #3, and Rebel #12.

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