Fan Casting Monsters Inc. (Location) as Monsters Inc. in Walt Disney Universe Theme Park

tomzillawash3r3 made this fan casting suggestion on July 7, 2024. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Monsters Inc. (Location) as Monsters Inc. in Walt Disney Universe Theme Park

Monsters Inc. (Location)

Monsters, Inc. is the energy-producing factory in the film of the same name. Its logo is the "M Eyeball."
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Walt Disney Universe Theme Park

Walt Disney Universe Theme Park

by Walt Disney
In an illogically better world, a huge land mass rises from the Atlantic Ocean bordering South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. The entirety of Disney theme parks are relocated there with many new t...
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0 comments on Monsters Inc. (Location) as Monsters Inc. in Walt Disney Universe Theme Park

Monsters Inc. (Location) has been suggested by fans for 8 roles on myCast, including Places/Landmarks/Worlds of DoodleVerse in Doodles. Similar actors include Hundred Acre Wood, Agrabah, and Halloween Town. Monsters Inc. (Location) was suggested to play Monsters Inc. in Walt Disney Universe Theme Park by tomzillawash3r3. Walt Disney Universe Theme Park has 92 roles, including Marvel Universe, Ariel, and Mulan.

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