Fan CastingWalking with dinosaurs (2013) Early version
This is a early version of relaince film walking with dinosaurs
by Evergreen films
Story added by janethzavala on September 26, 2021
June 1988, BBC Earth entered a deal with Evergreen Films, based in the United States, to produce a film featuring dinosaurs. By the following November, BBC Earth entered a deal with Reliance Big Entertainment to finance the production of three films, including Walking with Dinosaurs. The deal had initially attached Pierre de Lespinois of Evergreen Films and Neil Nightingale to co-direct the film. In 1988, the project began development in Evergreen live-action division in which De lespinois and nightigale had originally planned to use stop motion animation techniques such as puppets, scale models, 3d and 2d animation, Animatronics and more
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