Fan Casting Mr. Wiggleplix as Chris Hardwick in Voice actors and characters

user_29459 made this fan casting suggestion on April 7, 2024. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Mr. Wiggleplix as Chris Hardwick in Voice actors and characters

Mr. Wiggleplix

Mr. Wiggleplix is an invisible hedgehog who only appears in the Back at the Barnyard episode of the same name. He is Pig's imaginary friend, but because Pig is the only one who can see him and he c...
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Voice actors and characters

Voice actors and characters

by Brandon Werkheiser
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0 comments on Mr. Wiggleplix as Chris Hardwick in Voice actors and characters

Mr. Wiggleplix has been suggested by fans for 16 roles on myCast, including SpongeBob SquarePants in Sorting Fictional Characters by Their Favourite TV Shows.. Similar actors include Hilly Burford, Otis the Cow, and Mayor (Back at the Barnyard). Mr. Wiggleplix was suggested to play Chris Hardwick in Voice actors and characters by user_29459. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Craig Slithers, Otis the Cow, and Glowface. Voice actors and characters has 288 roles, including Tara Strong, Jim Cummings, and Seth Rogen.

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