Role added by toonking1985 on October 2, 2023
A paranoid former Monarch scientist who now works as a school teacher. He guides the kids and helps them with Minya because kids are kids. He was fired from Monarch because of something he did. He has an incognito type look to him mainly to hide from Monarch just being fearful of them because Monarch doesn't want anyone to leak anything so they would obviously keep eyes on former employees. Hence why he would drastically change his looks to avoid detection. When the kids introduced Minya to him he got shocked and slightly annoyed at the fact he left the life of hunting monsters and stuff behind. He is named after Charles Darwin and Isaac Newton.
Trademark Favorite Food
Actor Allusion
Badass Bookworm
Badass Teacher
Beware the Nice Ones
Big Good
Cool Old Guy
Dark Is Not Evil
Four-Temperament Ensemble
Friend to All Children
Friend to All Living Things
Jerk with a Heart of Gold
Meaningful Name
My God, What Have I Done?
Nice Guy
Papa Wolf
Parental Substitute
Sensitive Guy and Manly Man
Smart People Wear Glasses
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