Fan Casting The Ditz as Guadalupe Ferrari in Tropes for Connor's World

autisticaquarius made this fan casting suggestion on October 29, 2022. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

The Ditz as Guadalupe Ferrari in Tropes for Connor's World

The Ditz

The Ditz is a character whose defining characteristic is profound stupidity or quirkiness. In fiction, female ditzes tend to be sweet and naive, while male ditzes tend to be oafish but lovable (whe...
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Tropes for Connor's World

Tropes for Connor's World

Inspired by toonking1985
by Dynasti Noble
Sort the story, characters, etc. by tropes. Like connieblackwood said there are roughly one billion tropes so PLEASE look through them before adding one.
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0 comments on The Ditz as Guadalupe Ferrari in Tropes for Connor's World

The Ditz has been suggested by fans for 8 roles on myCast, including Harshavarthini Kapoor in Tropes for Gymnastix . Similar actors include Nice Guy, Brainless Beauty, and Beware the Nice Ones. The Ditz was suggested to play Guadalupe Ferrari in Tropes for Connor's World by autisticaquarius. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Nice Guy, Beware the Nice Ones, and Cowardly Lion. Tropes for Connor's World has 30 roles, including Connor O'Neil, Cornelia Menefee, and Deborah Richards.

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