Fan Casting Sir Handel as Wheelie in Trainsformers (Transformers)

user_15462 made this fan casting suggestion on October 10, 2021. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Sir Handel as Wheelie in Trainsformers (Transformers)

Sir HandelUnited Kingdom

Sir Handel, named after the Skarloey Railway's first owner, Sir Handel Brown I - originally named Falcon, after the works where he was built - is a narrow gauge saddle tank engine.
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Trainsformers (Transformers)

Trainsformers (Transformers)

Trainscarmers (Transformers)
by Fandom
A movie spoof crossover parody on Trainsformers (Transformers) The Michael Bay-verse of Transformers (2007-2017), 5 movies in 1 decade.
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0 comments on Sir Handel as Wheelie in Trainsformers (Transformers)

Sir Handel has been suggested by fans for 28 roles on myCast, including Blue in Fictional Characters by Colours of the Rainbow. Similar actors include Thomas the Tank Engine, Diesel (Thomas and Friends), and Skarloey. Sir Handel was suggested to play Wheelie in Trainsformers (Transformers) by user_15462. Trainsformers (Transformers) has 74 roles, including Ironhide, Sir Edmund Burton, and Crosshairs.

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