Fan Casting Lance Henriksen as Richter in Total Recall (1978)

mastermcdonald made this fan casting suggestion on November 30, 2023. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Lance Henriksen as Richter in Total Recall (1978)

Lance HenriksenUnited States

84 years old
An American actor and artist best known to film and television audiences for his roles in science fiction, action, and horror films such as The Terminator, the Alien film franchise, and on televisi...
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Total Recall (1978)

Total Recall (1978)

Get your ass to Mars.
by Paul Verhoeven
When a man goes in to have virtual vacation memories of the planet Mars implanted in his mind, an unexpected and harrowing series of events forces him to go to the planet for real - or is he?
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0 comments on Lance Henriksen as Richter in Total Recall (1978)

Lance Henriksen is known for his roles in The Terminator, Tarzan, and Aliens. He has been suggested by fans for 1,166 roles on myCast, including Eeyore in The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1997). Similar actors include Willem Dafoe, Clancy Brown, and Christopher Walken. Lance Henriksen was suggested to play Richter in Total Recall (1978) by mastermcdonald. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Harvey Keitel and William Smith. Total Recall (1978) has 10 roles, including Vilos Cohaagen, Douglas Quaid, and Lori Quaid.

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