Fan CastingTitans - Season 1
DC Studios Original Series
by DC Studios
Story added by mr95 on January 28, 2022
On Earth-2, Vanda Savage has brutally taken over the World, as she has deposed of the Justice League via Babel Protocol, a system capable of the League’s weaknesses, without the Justice League Vanda Savage is unstoppable. The remaining Freedom Fighters of Earth-2 have discovered the Multiverse, seeing this the only way to defeat Vanda Savage, they send Wonder Boy Cameron Sandsmark and Zink Blake to Earth-1, to help recruit Heroes Vanda Savage will not be able to stop even with the help her Babel Protocol. Robin; Tia Drake, Red Arrow; Rayna Harper, Tempest; Gartha, Starfire; Kory Anders, & Batwing; Lucy Fox have all agreed to this mission more
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