Fan Casting Odeya Rush as Raven in Titans Fancast

bmundie72 made this fan casting suggestion on March 8, 2021. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Odeya Rush as Raven in Titans Fancast

Odeya RushIsrael

27 years old
Odeya Rush was born and raised in Haifa, Israel, along with her six brothers. She began acting at the age of 14 when she starred in "The Odd Life of Timothy Green." She then went on to do "The Give...
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Fan Casting

Odeya Rush


Raven (Rachel Roth)


Titans Fancast

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Titans Fancast

Titans Fancast

This is a fan casting for the Titans
by Bmundie72
This is a fancast for the main line-up in a Titans film.
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Odeya Rush is known for her roles in Lady Bird, Goosebumps, and The Giver. She has been suggested by fans for 5,832 roles on myCast, including Actresses. in The Most Attractive Celebrities. Similar actors include Dakota Fanning, Hailee Steinfeld, and Joey King. Odeya Rush was suggested to play Raven in Titans Fancast by bmundie72. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Jenna Ortega, Millie Bobby Brown, and Dafne Keen. Titans Fancast has 16 roles, including Starfire, Beast Boy, and Ravager.

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