Fan Casting Sergio Malheiros as Garth/Tempest in Titans

mr95 made this fan casting suggestion on May 26, 2023. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Sergio Malheiros as Garth/Tempest in Titans

Sergio MalheirosBrazil

31 years old
Sérgio Santiago Victoriano Santos Malheiros (Rio de Janeiro, March 17, 1993) is a Brazilian actor and director. He debuted in 1999 on the program Samba, Pagode e Cia on Rede Globo. In 2022, he beg...
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DC Studios Original Movie
by DC Studios
In this action-packed superhero adventure, a group of young heroes must come together to stop a dangerous threat to the world. Led by the former Robin, Dick Grayson, the team includes Starfire, Rav...
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Sergio Malheiros is known for his roles in Cine Holliúdy 2: A Chibata Sideral, Cinderela Pop, and Xuxa e o Tesouro da Cidade Perdida. He has been suggested by fans for 21 roles on myCast, including Trafalgar D. Water Law in One Piece Live Action. Similar actors include Gabriel Santana, Henrique Zaga, and Rodrigo Simas. Sergio Malheiros was suggested to play Garth/Tempest in Titans by mr95. Titans has 11 roles, including Garfield Logan/Beast Boy, Dawn Granger/Dove, and Donna Troy/Troia.

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