Fan Casting Leonardo DiCaprio as Savant in Tim Burton’s Task force X (1997)

nathanewing made this fan casting suggestion on February 11, 2022. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Leonardo DiCaprio as Savant in Tim Burton’s Task force X (1997)

Leonardo DiCaprioUnited States

50 years old
Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio (born November 11, 1974) is an American actor and film producer. Known for his work in biopics and period films, DiCaprio is the recipient of numerous accolades, including...
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Tim Burton’s Task force X (1997)

Tim Burton’s Task force X (1997)

by Ares89
This despot has his own personal bodyguards, a group of villains calling themselves the Suicide Squad. Insulted by the rival team usurping the Suicide Squad name, Waller accepts the mission to libe...
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0 comments on Leonardo DiCaprio as Savant in Tim Burton’s Task force X (1997)

Leonardo DiCaprio is known for his roles in The Wolf of Wall Street, Titanic, and Inception. He has been suggested by fans for 8,294 roles on myCast, including Actors in Best Actors Of All Time. Similar actors include Christian Bale, Joaquin Phoenix, and Matt Damon. Leonardo DiCaprio was suggested to play Savant in Tim Burton’s Task force X (1997) by nathanewing. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Rick Dalton. Tim Burton’s Task force X (1997) has 40 roles, including Emila hartcourt, Amanda Waller, and Vixen.

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