Fan CastingThomas & Friends:Daisy and the Runaway Splodge Episode
(January 2023 Episode)
Story added by user_96719 on October 17, 2022
2 Silly Diesels Splatter And Dodge decide to give a runaway chase Daisy A thing or two on Sodor. Before Things don't get better enough Splatter And Dodge are hiding behind the Breakdown Train and plan to scare them knowing they are afraid as well as playing jokes at the same time. Daisy races away while Splatter And Dodge who is in front of Daisy on the same track - races away as well. As both engines rush out of the Dieselworks station, Splatter And Dodge see them while keep racing until Splatter and Dodge crash right onto the chlorine fuel tank much to Daisy's Laughter. Shortly After This, Splatter And Dodge breaking all the rules after more
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