Fan Casting Skillet as Composer of The X Squad Adventures

hookdrako090805 made this fan casting suggestion on February 7, 2021. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Skillet as Composer in The X Squad Adventures

SkilletUnited States

29 years old
Skillet is an American Christian rock band formed in Memphis, Tennessee, in 1996. The band currently consists of husband John (lead vocals, bass) and wife Korey Cooper (rhythm guitar, keyboards, ba...
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The X Squad Adventures

The X Squad Adventures

by Hookdrako090805
Sit down, grab some strawberry milk, pizza and cheetos and enjoy the movies. A mysterious, massive & powerful evil force known only as Neceron is sweeping across the corners of the Omniverse withou...
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Skillet has been suggested by fans for 198 roles on myCast, including Heroes in Good VS Evil. Similar people include Linkin Park, Imagine Dragons, and Fall Out Boy. Skillet was suggested to play Composer in The X Squad Adventures by hookdrako090805. Other people sugggested to play this role include Poppy, Halestorm, and Diamante. The X Squad Adventures has 58 roles, including Mustard, Muty, and Drakus Hydrax.

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