Fan Casting Cora Baker as Swift in The World of Bobby Movie

josephboyce made this fan casting suggestion on October 13, 2023. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Cora Baker as Swift in The World of Bobby Movie

Cora BakerUnited States

20 years old
Cora Michelle Baker (born March 26, 2004) is an American voice actress. Her major roles, many of which feature her vocalizations of animals, include animated series such as The World of Bobby and T...
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The World of Bobby Movie

The World of Bobby Movie

by Jarrett CsupĆ³ and Brandon CsupĆ³
Bobby and his friends Paddy, Molly, Edward, Jeffrey, and Sandra team up to rescue Bobby and Molly's dogs Toby and Swift from Sherman.
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0 comments on Cora Baker as Swift in The World of Bobby Movie

Cora Baker has been suggested by fans for 17 roles on myCast, including Swift in The World of Bobby. Similar actors include Lola Iolani Momoa, Nakoa-Wolf Momoa, and Benny Perlman. Cora Baker was suggested to play Swift in The World of Bobby Movie by josephboyce. The World of Bobby Movie has 21 roles, including Producer, Composer, and Paddy Sahashi.

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