Fan Casting Jensen Ackles as Clint Barton in The West Coast Avengers

vadim_havard made this fan casting suggestion on March 17, 2023. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Jensen Ackles as Clint Barton in The West Coast Avengers

Jensen AcklesUnited States

47 years old
Jensen Ross Ackles (born March 1, 1978) is an American actor. He is most notable for his television role as Dean Winchester on the CW television series Supernatural. His other popular roles include...
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Fan Casting

Jensen Ackles


Clint Barton (Hawkeye Barton)


The West Coast Avengers

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The West Coast Avengers

The West Coast Avengers

Live action adaptation
by Kelly Thompson and Stefano Caselli
The Avengers go West once again - but these ain't your daddy's Whackos! A bold new era begins for the mightiest heroes to ever live on the Pacifi c Coast. That means Hawkeye (your favorite one, Kat...
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Jensen Ackles is known for his roles in Alien Resurrection, Batman: Under the Red Hood, and My Bloody Valentine. He has been suggested by fans for 12,091 roles on myCast, including Batman in DCEU Rebooted. Similar actors include Jake Gyllenhaal, Luke Evans, and Joel Edgerton. Jensen Ackles was suggested to play Clint Barton in The West Coast Avengers by vadim_havard. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Mark Wahlberg, Boyd Holbrook, and Aaron Paul. The West Coast Avengers has 8 roles, including Gwendolyn Poole, Quintavius Quire, and Johnny Watts.

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