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3 comments on RICK GRIMES

  • tylerhamilton At the beginning of the story, Sheriff's Deputy Rick Grimes and his best friend and partner, Shane, are involved in a highway shoot-out that ends with Rick Grimes being shot and left in critical condition. He awakens months later from a coma to discover that the world has been completely decimated by walking, flesh-eating corpses. While exploring the streets of Cynthiana in his home state of Kentucky, he comes across MORGAN JONES, and his young son DUANE JONES, who help Rick get caught up to speed on what's been going on. Morgan tells Rick that the U.S. Government have been telling survivors of an outpost in Atlanta, Georgia, and he parts ways with Morgan & Duane in hopes of finding his wife, LORI and his young son, CARL. Upon entering Atlanta via horseback from a neighboring town, he discovers that it has been overrun with zombies, causing the horse to spook and be swarmed and eaten. Rick is then rescued by GLENN RHEE, a former Pizza Delivery boy, who leads him to safety in the outskirts of the city in a camp nearby. There, he is reunited with not only Lori and Carl, but his best friend and partner SHANE, who has been protecting them since the beginning. He also meets new survivors, including a retired old man named with an RV camper named DALE, two sisters taking a road trip named ANDREA & AMY, an emotionally troubled man named JIM, a young mother named CAROL and her six-year-old daughter named SOPHIA, and a family of four with father ALLEN, mother DONNA, and four-year-old twin boys BILLY & BEN. Rick is told by Shane that his plan was to take Lori & Carl to stay with her mother, then come back for him, but things got out of hand.
  • tylerhamilton Rick joins up with Shane as a Hunter for the camp. During one such trip, they discover that while they were gone, Donna was attacked by a zombie that wandered into their camp. Worried that their location could be compromised, Rick asks Shane (the current leader of the camp) about potentially moving the group somewhere else... Shane rejects the idea. Rick chooses not to question it, but decides that they need more guns, so the next day, Rick chooses to go back to Atlanta with Glenn and head to a gun store to bring back as many weapons as they can without dying. They succeed, resulting in Rick gaining the favor of the rest of the survivors of the camp, oddly much to the chagrin of Shane...
  • tylerhamilton A few weeks later, the group continues to warm up to Rick as tension begins to grow with not only he and Shane, but Shane and Lori as well. One night, the camp is once again attacked by a pack of zombies, only this time, this results in the death of Amy and Jim being bitten (which is an instant death sentence in this world). Despite the group's protests, Jim elects to be left on the side of the road somewhere to die and re-animate later as a zombie to "be with his family." Seeing how Shane refusing to have the group leave the camp is what caused the deaths of Amy & Jim, Rick confronts him, only to be punched in the face by his now-former best friend. After seeing this, Lori immediately slaps Shane in the face and scream at him. Shane, visibly heartbroken, runs off into the woods with Rick going after him to confront him more about everything that has happened. Shane turns out to be more hostile and blames Rick for "ruining everything", and being extremely vague by what he means about that, especially after he tears up when he mentions Lori. Finally, Shane points his shotgun at Rick with the full intention on shooting and killing him to "make things right." His plan backfires when Carl, from out of nowhere, shoots Shane through the neck with his gun and kills him. After this incident, Rick is elected the new leader of the group.