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Role added by tylerhamilton on September 18, 2022



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2 comments on MORGAN JONES

  • tylerhamilton Nothing is known about Morgan's life prior to or as the outbreak began, except that he had a wife named Jenny and a son named Duane. He probably lived in Cynthiana, Kentucky. Before meeting Rick Grimes, Morgan was an initial survivor of the outbreak along with his son and wife. His wife died from the zombie fever and subsequently turned into one.
  • tylerhamilton Morgan and Duane were traveling through Cynthiana and decided to lay low in one of the houses. One day Morgan heard his son hitting a person with a shovel and discovers that the man is still breathing. The two take him inside and the man later wakes up. Morgan invites the man to come eat with them and finds out the man's name is Rick Grimes. Rick explains that he was in a coma for the last month and has no idea what has happened, so Morgan proceeds to tell him about the zombies and how the government had told people to travel towards the relative safety in Atlanta; despite this, Morgan reveals that he decided to take his chances and avoid the city. Afterwards, Rick reveals that he was a sheriff's deputy and wants to return the favor for Morgan's hospitality: he takes Morgan and Duane to the local police station to grab some supplies. After taking some of the guns and ammo (as well as receiving a patrol car from Rick), the two men part ways and wish each other good luck.