As Godzilla is going on a rampage through Tokyo, Batman suddenly hits him with a Bat-Grenade. As Godzilla attacks his new foe, Shaquille O'Neal and Aaron Carter join the fight, but are run over by the Batmobile. Unfortunately, before Batman can return to the Batcave, Abraham Lincoln rises from the dead and shoots Batman with an AK-47. Lincoln is then forced to flee by Optimus Prime.
After Godzilla kills Optimus Prime, O’Neal returns “covered in a tire track,” but is then attacked by Jackie Chan. Meanwhile, Lincoln attempts to finish off Batman with a machete, but is stopped by Indiana Jones. However, Jones is left defenseless against Godzilla as Batman steals his gun and unsuccessfully attempts to kill Chan. A somersaulting Chan and a pole-vaulting Lincoln then collide in the air, and are killed by a Care Bear Stare.
Chuck Norris then descends from heaven, and proceeds to kick Jones in the groin and kill Batman by crushing his head in between his thighs. However, Gandalf the Grey, Gandalf the White, the Black Knight, Benito Mussolini, the Blue Meanie, Cowboy Curtis, Jambi the Genie, RoboCop, the Terminator, Captain Kirk, Darth Vader, Lo Pan, Superman, every single Power Ranger, Bill S. Preston, Theodore Logan, Spock, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Doc Ock, and Hulk Hogan suddenly arrive and kill Norris.
A century later, the battle has finally ended, with only one contestant remaining: Mr. Rogers, who commits seppuku.
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