Arcee is a merciless and deadly warrior who's an expert in hand-to-hand combat and one of the best sharpshooters on record. The reason for her ferocity is how much she cares for her fellow Autobots and especially the humans they protect. She knows how fragile her organic companions are, and she's equally aware of the evils the Decepticons are capable of. Peers such as Hot Rod and Springer may be more durable than the humans, but she no less fights to defend them as well. They get in plenty of trouble, so someone has to be the level-headed one.
Fan Casting
Sumalee Montano
Grey DeLisle
Emma Stone
Karen Gillan
Linda Cardellini
Amy Adams
Lacey Chabert
Aubrey Plaza
Anna Kendrick
Scarlett Johansson
Morena Baccarin
Mae Whitman
Laura Bailey
Ashley Johnson
Kristen Bell
Margot Robbie
Keira Knightley
Tara Strong
Emily Blunt
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