Madam Mim (also known as Mad Madam Mim) is the main antagonist of Disney's 1963 animated feature film, The Sword in the Stone. She is a wicked, old witch who relishes in the misery of others. Mim believes herself to be the greatest witch of all time, but her magic is rivaled by her nemesis, Merlin.
Fan Casting
Sarah Jessica Parker
Bernadette Peters
Sigourney Weaver
Imelda Staunton
Kathy Bates
Jessica Lange
Susan Sarandon
Bette Midler
Meryl Streep
Jane Seymour
Julie Walters
Barbara Hershey
Glenn Close
Sally Field
Barbra Streisand
Loretta Devine
Margo Martindale
Frances McDormand
Anjelica Huston
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