Fan Casting DreamWorks Animation as Animation Studio of The Street Fighter Movie

keatoncarpenter made this fan casting suggestion on June 17, 2023. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

DreamWorks Animation as Animation Studio in The Street Fighter Movie

DreamWorks AnimationUnited States

30 years old
DreamWorks Animation LLC (also simply known as DreamWorks) is an American animation studio and a subsidiary of Universal Pictures, itself a subsidiary of Comcast's NBCUniversal. It is based in Glen...
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The Street Fighter Movie

The Street Fighter Movie

by Capcom
A warrior named Ryu Hoshi ends his journey through the world after the death of his ancient master, Gouken. He finds "Street Fighter" a tournament between powerful warriors, and Ryu finds it as a p...
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0 comments on DreamWorks Animation as Animation Studio in The Street Fighter Movie

DreamWorks Animation has been suggested by fans for 150 roles on myCast, including Production Company in Doodles. Similar people include Illumination, Sony Pictures Animation, and Warner Animation Group. DreamWorks Animation was suggested to play Animation Studio in The Street Fighter Movie by keatoncarpenter. Other people sugggested to play this role include Walt Disney Animation Studios, Warner Animation Group, and Illumination. The Street Fighter Movie has 27 roles, including Cammy White, Blanka, and Production Companies.

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