Fan Casting Paul McGillion as Kurin in The New Gods

dccu_entertainment made this fan casting suggestion on March 25, 2021. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Paul McGillion as Kurin in The New Gods

Paul McGillionUnited Kingdom

56 years old
The sixth of seven children, Paul's family emigrated to Canada from Paisley, Scotland when he was just 2 years old. He returned to Scotland during his early teens for a few years before heading bac...
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The New Gods

The New Gods

DCCU 12-Episode Maxi-Series
by DC Comics
Billions of years ago, a cataclysm split the planet Urgrund in two, forming the twin planets of New Genesis, a sunlit utopia, and Apokolips, an industrialized wasteland. Their populations became kn...
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Paul McGillion is known for his roles in Star Trek, Tomorrowland, and Death Note. He has been suggested by fans for 24 roles on myCast, including Rocky Balboa in Rocky. Similar actors include Jason Isaacs, David Tennant, and Gerard Butler. Paul McGillion was suggested to play Kurin in The New Gods by dccu_entertainment. The New Gods has 76 roles, including Canis Major, Mantis, and Master Mayhem.

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