Fan Casting Jane Seymour (Six) as Saddest Character in The MyCast Tonys

caitlinfrost made this fan casting suggestion on January 21, 2023. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Jane Seymour (Six) as Saddest Character in The MyCast Tonys

Jane Seymour (Six)United Kingdom

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Fan Casting

Jane Seymour (Six)


Saddest Character (Sad Backstory, Sad Song, etc.)


The MyCast Tonys

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The MyCast Tonys

The MyCast Tonys

Vote for your favorite musical-theatre related things here! (No Disney unless it's had a stage adaptation; the Disney films that meet this criteria are Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King, Tarzan, ...
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0 comments on Jane Seymour (Six) as Saddest Character in The MyCast Tonys

Jane Seymour (Six) has been suggested by fans for 27 roles on myCast, including Jane in Sorting Characters by Name. Similar actors include Katherine Howard (Six), Catherine of Aragon (Six), and Fantine (Les Miserables). Jane Seymour (Six) was suggested to play Saddest Character in The MyCast Tonys by caitlinfrost. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Simba, Grizabella, and Kim (Miss Saigon). The MyCast Tonys has 12 roles, including Favorite Female Character, Best Song, and Favorite Musical.

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