Fan CastingThe Mighty Thor
by Marvel Comics
Story added by jackamos795 on November 10, 2019
Thor and his friends protect Asgard from an Frost Giant Attack, Odin grants Thor Mijonhir and Thor focuses on stopping Skurge the executioner and Auora the Enchantress whist Thors evil half brother Loki goes to earth and gives mortal men magical weapons and call themselves “The Wrecking Crew” Odin sends Thor to earth where he meets Jane foster,Erik selvig and Darcey Lewis who help Thor defeat the wrecking crew but whilst Thor is away frost giants attack Asgard once again luckily Asgard’s forces defend the planet but Thors brother Tyr dies in battle. Thor leaves his friend Balder in his place and decides to stay on Earth for a while.
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