Fan CastingTHE MASK - the series (2022)
I Pledge Allegiance to the Mask
by Christopher Cantwell (story), Doug Mahnke and John Arcudi (creator)
Story added by user_75809 on November 9, 2022
Mitch Kellaway, a detective lieutenant serving Edge City, has lived a largely unglamorous existence throughout his career. Routinely disgraced by his golf buddies and largely unrecognized by the police department, the man resorts to drinking for some reprieve. But Kellaway notices the news report saying one of the foster parents’ children describe the killer as having a “cabeza de verde,” which means “green head” in Spanish. Fending off a horde of bad memories from his past run-ins with The Mask, the detective races to find backup. While Kellaway attempts to alert those who would help the city prepare for The Mask’s return, Mayor Kathy, more
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