A television series created by Vince Gilligan (creator of Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul). Set between 1988 and 1998 in Portland, Oregon. Vince Waylon, a young businessman and the son of the Governor of Oregon, buys an 85% share of the fictional MLB team, the Portland Prides. He and three other friends, Mika Long, Curtis Lerchen, and Linda Harris, complete the purchase and now share ownership of the Portland Prides. Waylon puts forth $600,000 and now owns a 2% share. In order to receive this large sum, he had to open a $500,000 bank loan. He pays this loan back by selling his $800,000 worth of stock in his fathers company, Waylon & Sons. Waylon & Sons and their president, Vince's uncle, William L. Waylon, accuses Vince of insider trading. Meanwhile, Vince's father, the Governor of Oregon (Patrick S. Waylon) is trying to keep this family debacle out of the headlines and secure his reelection. While Vince is being sued by his uncle, he has to continue running his new company, the Portland Prides, and try to get his team in the MLB playoffs. Vince's mother, Claire Waylon, cheats on her husband, Vince's father, and purposely interferes with his reelection. He does not win a 2nd term. The blame is put on Vince. To get revenge, Vince's father sides with his brother, and continues to sue Vince for insider trading. After a lengthy court case, Waylon & Sons win. They retake their $800,000. Vince is kicked out of the Portland Prides ownership by his three other friends, and sentenced to prison for fraud. Vince's father dies shortly after the court case from a massive heart attack. Five years pass, Vince is released from prison and moves in with his mother. He and his uncle patch up their rough past. He reveals to him that their suite against him was actually completely illegal, and that Vince was not guilty to begin with. They get a professional lawyer, Hal Dander, and clear Vince's name. Vince's uncle runs for Governor, and after a long campaign, is able to pull away with the victory. Vince is reinstated his 2% of the Portland Prides. The Prides have since won 3 World Series Championships, and are currently for sale. Local millionaire buys the team from Vince and his three friends. Vince's $600,000 (2% share) is paid in full as a whooping $15 million. He also gains full control of the family business, Waylon & Sons. He sells the company and collects an entire $10 billion. He moves to Montana and opens up his own MLB team, the Montana Grizzlies.
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