Simba is the protagonist of Disney's 1994 animated feature film, The Lion King. He is the son of Mufasa and Sarabi, who was destined to rule the Pride Lands, as king. When Mufasa was murdered by his treacherous brother, Scar, Simba was exiled from the Pride Lands after his uncle tricked him into taking the blame for his father's death. He finds refuge in a jungle oasis with Timon and Pumbaa who raise him as his adoptive fathers, but when the Pride Lands fall to disarray during his absence. With the kingdom in peril, Simba is forced to confront his troubled past and take his place in the "Circle of Life".
Fan Casting
Bradley Gibson
Donald Glover
Rob Lowe
Cam Clarke
Matthew Broderick
Brandon Victor Dixon
Gerald Caesar
Ephraim Sykes
Joshua Henry
Leslie Odom Jr.
Jason Raize
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