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Fan Casting Josegavi Legabeck(Posthumous Character)

Role added by user_53973 on November 3, 2023

Description of Josegavi Legabeck (Posthumous Character):

The father of Wintrev and Laisara who was a Jedi Master for almost two decades. Despite his love for his family, Josegavi would dedicate to the ways of the Jedi Order, especially during the last years of his life. He and four other Jedi, with his second apprentice Aikih among them, were stationed at the peaceful planet of Alderaan. On 23 BBY, when Josegavi was 60, the Banking Clan tried to invade Alderaan for the cloning formula discovered by a scientist. The four Jedi would end up fighting against the Banking Clan's droid armies but was eventually overrun by its sheer numbers.



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