Age: 3,876 (physically 12) Hailing from Ancient Egypt and a forgotten royal tomb buried under the sand until present day, Tanis has been brought to the Grimwood to learn about the modern world and her place within it. Frequently naïve and overly trusting, Princess Tanis Amonankhotep has been taken from a life where she had everything into one where she has next to nothing. Yet, she maintains an eternally Sunny disposition thanks to her trust in her friends to help her navigate the trials of the modern world. Although small and easily frightened, Tanis possesses enormous untapped magical abilities that makes her an important plot element and target of villainous characters. Bio by RobD2003
Fan Casting
Jaylen Barron
Haley Tju
Kathreen Khavari
Nhev Scharrel
Kimiko Glenn
Anna Kendrick
Hynden Walch
Tara Strong
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