Fan CastingThe First Law Trilogy
The Blade Itself -- Before They Are Hanged -- The Last Argument of Kings
by Joe Abercrombie
Story added by parttime13adass on August 11, 2018
The series takes place in a fictional world that is reminiscent of medieval Europe called the Circle of the World. The action, for the most part, takes place in or regards people from the central realm the Union. The Union is beset upon on all sides by savages from the North, the mighty Gurkish Empire to the south, mercenary bands from the continent of Styria to the east, and the machinations of the crumbling Old Empire in the west. The Union appears to be maneuvered into a state of near-perpetual war by an uncompromisingly proud foreign policy, while the dysfunctional government, nobles and merchants fight amongst themselves.
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