Fan Casting Katy Perry as Lois Lane in The Conjuring of Lois Lane

kingkya22 made this fan casting suggestion on June 5, 2023. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Katy Perry as Lois Lane in The Conjuring of Lois Lane

Katy PerryUnited States

40 years old
Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson (born October 25, 1984), known professionally as Katy Perry, is an American singer, songwriter, and television judge. She is known for her influence on the pop sound and s...
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The Conjuring of Lois Lane

The Conjuring of Lois Lane

First movie in phase 2
by James Gunn
Life is perfect for Lois Lane, living peacefully in a penthouse in Metropolis. Jon Kent makes another pitiful attempt at being a hero and gets slapped by a low life robber at a 7/11 and knocks out....
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Katy Perry is known for her roles in The Smurfs, The Smurfs 2, and Katy Perry: Part of Me. She has been suggested by fans for 1,235 roles on myCast, including Female Musical Artists. in The Most Attractive Celebrities. Similar actors include Lady Gaga, Ariana Grande, and Taylor Swift. Katy Perry was suggested to play Lois Lane in The Conjuring of Lois Lane by kingkya22. The Conjuring of Lois Lane has 9 roles, including Rachel Roth, Trigon, and Amanda Waller.

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