The Batman Family is a cartoon series based on Batman, his extended family, and other supporting characters. Similar to Young Justice Outsiders, each season is divided into two parts as it adapts different story arcs from Batman comics such as "Night of the Owls", "Batman: Eternal", "The Joker War", "City of Bane", "The Cowardly Lot", "Batman Incorporated", "Ghost Stories", "Batman: Endgame", elements of "Future's End", and more. Main villains include the Joker, Two-Face, Talia al Ghul and the organization Leviathan, Bane, Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze, Penguin, the Victim Syndicate, Black Mask, Knightfall, Arkham Knight, Brother Eye, Kobra, Dulea Dent, Punchline, Harley Quinn, Onomonapia, Miracle Molly, Henchmaster-01, Simon Saint, Deathstroke, Owlman (Lincoln March), Lady Shiva, and many others. The stories are based off mostly on arcs from the New 52 and DC Rebirth.
Recommended actors should be either voice actors, actors who have done voice acting for cartoons or actors who can fit the budget of a cartoon, and people who have voiced for DC before, i.e. Morena Baccarin, Henry Rollins, Ron Perlman, Bruce Greenwood (think of the casting pattern for Young Justice and Justice League Action, a mixture of both traditional and non-traditional voice actors). Those who have voiced the same characters before are welcome.
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