Fan Casting Perez Hilton as Victor Fries in The ABSOLUTE perfect casting for DC characters

deepmaniac80 made this fan casting suggestion on February 2, 2020. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Perez Hilton as Victor Fries in The ABSOLUTE perfect casting for DC characters

Perez HiltonUnited States

46 years old
Mario Armando Lavandeira, Jr. (born March 23, 1978), better known as Perez Hilton (a play on "Paris Hilton"), is an American blogger and television personality. His blog, (formerly ...
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The ABSOLUTE perfect casting for DC characters

The ABSOLUTE perfect casting for DC characters

It's gotta be... Per-fect!
by Deepmaniac80
They MUST fit the character's attributes!
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0 comments on Perez Hilton as Victor Fries in The ABSOLUTE perfect casting for DC characters

Perez Hilton is known for his roles in Most Likely to Die, Sharknado 2: The Second One, and Another Gay Sequel: Gays Gone Wild!. He has been suggested by fans for 34 roles on myCast, including Jimmy Hopkins in Worst Live-Action Video Game Movie Ever. Similar actors include Jim Parsons, Bill Hader, and Chris Evans. Perez Hilton was suggested to play Victor Fries in The ABSOLUTE perfect casting for DC characters by deepmaniac80. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Leonardo DiCaprio, John Cena, and Michael Fassbender. The ABSOLUTE perfect casting for DC characters has 30 roles, including Edward Nygma, Carter Hall, and John Stewart.

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