Fan CastingTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Teenage Mutant Nega Turtles
Based on the Episode "Negaduck" From Disney's Darkwing Duck
by Nickelodeon
Story added by user_3112 on December 19, 2019
Based on the 1987 Ninja Turtles TV series. When Shredder uses Krang's ray gun called a stiff ray to freeze the Turtles stiff, he takes them to the Technodrome in Dimension X so he and Krang can clone them with an invention called a negatron cloning machine with clones of themselves but in negative colors and call them the Teenage Mutant Nega Turtles! With the Nega Turtles to do Shredder & Krang's bidding, they're off to dominate New York City. After the Turtles snap out of the stiffness from the ray, they realize that the Nega Turtles Shredder & Krang created are setting them up, and the police take them in. How will they get out of this more
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