Fan Casting Bridgette (Total Drama) as The Dramatics in Team Meetings and Dinner

nathanewing made this fan casting suggestion on July 3, 2022. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Bridgette (Total Drama) as The Dramatics in Team Meetings and Dinner

Bridgette (Total Drama)Australia

25 years old
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Fan Casting

Bridgette (Total Drama)


The Dramatics (Led by Geoff and Bridgette)


Team Meetings and Dinner
Team Meetings and Dinner

Team Meetings and Dinner

A Crimson Wolf Special
Yen Sid, Fairy Godmother and Merlin brought together the 11 teams to find a way to defeat the heartless and save the Universe.
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0 comments on Bridgette (Total Drama) as The Dramatics in Team Meetings and Dinner

Bridgette (Total Drama) has been suggested by fans for 165 roles on myCast, including Sarah Michelle Gellar in Which characters should actors have played in the 90's?. Similar actors include Gwen (Total Drama), Courtney (Total Drama), and Lindsay (Total Drama). Bridgette (Total Drama) was suggested to play The Dramatics in Team Meetings and Dinner by nathanewing. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Geoff (Total Drama). Team Meetings and Dinner has 12 roles, including Grandmasters, Earthrealm Knights, and Super Taskforce Squad.

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