Fan CastingTeam Fortress 3
More Teams. More Fortresses. More Fun.
by Valve
Story added by ltathena on January 17, 2021
The story mode of Team Fortress 3 is that the world is under siege by a now renegade all-male RED (Reliable Excavation Demolition) Army. Under the guidance of Miss Ashley Pauling; the brand-new ethnically and sexually diverse ORG, YLO, GRN, BLU, PLM, BLK, WHT, PNK, GAD, SLV and BRW armies are sent to secure the world from the tyrannical and psychotic machinations of the RED Army and their superiors Saxton Hale and Erica Mann. Will it be through superior firepower or through classic ingenuity that overcomes the xenophobia and toxic masculinity of the RED Army?read more
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