Fan CastingSWAT KATS: The Radical Squadron (Live Action TV Reboot)
A Live Action TV Reboot of Hanna Barbera's SWAT KATS
by Hanna Barbera
Story added by tdk0403 on February 16, 2021
Jake "Razor" Clawson and Chance "T-Bone" Furlong were members of Megakat's City paramilitary law enforcment agency, known as the Enforcers. They were discharged from the Enforcers after disobeying the orders of Commander Feral, which resulted in the destruction of the newly built Enforcer Headquarters. While in pursuit of Dark Kat, one of the main arch villains of the series, the two rebelled agianst Enforcer Commander Feral's orders to fall back and leave dark kat to him. When they objected, citing their already required target lock, Commander Feral crowded out their jet, Clipping their wings send Jake and Chance's jet crashing into more
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