Fan Casting Chandler Riggs as Jimmy Olsen in Superman

keiranbatkin2 made this fan casting suggestion on January 4, 2024. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Chandler Riggs as Jimmy Olsen in Superman

Chandler RiggsUnited States

25 years old
Chandler Riggs is an American actor and DJ. He is widely recognized for his portrayal of Carl Grimes in the AMC television series The Walking Dead from 2010 to 2018. Riggs was born in Atlanta, Geo...
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Chandler Riggs is known for his roles in Get Low, Keep Watching, and Mercy. He has been suggested by fans for 1,010 roles on myCast, including Jamie Gillis in Red Dead Redemption.. Similar actors include Timothée Chalamet, Tom Holland, and Tanner Buchanan. Chandler Riggs was suggested to play Jimmy Olsen in Superman by keiranbatkin2. Superman has 11 roles, including Mercy Graves, Mon El, and Lois Lane.

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