Fan Casting Spoiler as The Koopa Prince in Super Mario Bros. 2: Wario Time!!

themegacaster made this fan casting suggestion on March 21, 2024. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Spoiler as The Koopa Prince in Super Mario Bros. 2: Wario Time!!

SpoilerUnited States

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Super Mario Bros. 2: Wario Time!!

Super Mario Bros. 2: Wario Time!!

Gaming Coding Universe (Phase Two)
by Themegacaster and Nintendo
After defeating Bowser, the Mushroom Kingdom celebrates until it’s all undone by Wario, an old rival of the Mario Bros, along with his allies, Waluigi, a purple clad mischief maker, Wart, the evil ...
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Spoiler has been suggested by fans for 7,202 roles on myCast, including John Doe in The Batman (2022). Similar actors include Pedro Pascal, Nicolas Cage, and Oscar Isaac. Spoiler was suggested to play The Koopa Prince in Super Mario Bros. 2: Wario Time!! by themegacaster. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Azhy Robertson and Bowser Jr.. Super Mario Bros. 2: Wario Time!! has 18 roles, including The Villainous Visitors, Waluigi, and Wario.

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