Kuai Liang returns to the Lin Kuei temple after successfully assassinating a Black Dragon cartel member, and is informed of his brother's death at the Mortal Kombat tournament by his friend Tomas Vrbada. On the way to a clan meeting Tomas muses on the legend of the Dragon Medallion, remarking that in actuality it is merely the Lin Kuei Grandmaster's badge of leadership. The Grandmaster announces his plan to "improve" the Lin Kuei - the Cyber Initiative. All of the clan's assassins will be converted into enhanced and obedient cyborgs, with the Grandmaster's son Sektor and another top assassin Cyrax having already undergone the procedure. The supporters of the Cyber Initiative volunteer to be converted first, while the dissenters are held prisoner to be processed next. Opposed to the program, Kuai and Tomas escape the temple. Sektor and Cyrax are sent to capture them. While on the run, Kuai discovers that the Black Dragon member he assassinated was an undercover U.S. Army Counterintelligence agent who found out Black Dragon leader Kano and the corrupt Lin Kuei Grandmaster partnered up, conspiring to use the cyborg assassins to seize control of the criminal underworld. Kuai and Tomas are then ambushed by Sektor and Cyrax. After a vicious fight Tomas is taken. Now on his own, Kuai resolves to rescue Tomas and stop the Cyber Initiative. Sektor kills his father and seizes leadership of the Lin Kuei, taking the Dragon Medallion. Kuai infiltrates U.S. Army Counterintelligence HQ in Fort Belvoir, Virginia, to tip off Sonya Blade and Jax Briggs about Kano so they can stop him should he fail to stop the Lin Kuei, then leaves for China. In the Himalayas, Kuai assumes his family mantle of Sub-Zero and returns to the Lin Kuei temple. Sub-Zero fights his way through the palace and defeats Cyrax. Conflicted about the Cyber Initiative from the beginning, Cyrax divulges the kill switch code for all the cyborgs, but is too damaged to send it himself before dying. Sub-Zero is then confronted by Tomas, now partially converted into a cyborg, and they brutally fight until Tomas overcomes his programming. With a final goodbye to his friend Tomas self-destructs himself and the Cyber Initiative technology, setting the palace aflame. Sub-Zero rushes to release the remaining prisoners and is attacked by Sektor, who removed his kill switch. Sektor scars Sub-Zero's face and blinds him in both eyes. Sub-Zero keeps fighting, managing to free the prisoners before being beaten to death by Sektor. Sensing an uncorrupted and noble soul, the Dragon Medallion activates for the first time in centuries after Sub-Zero's self-sacrifice, reviving him and restoring his sight, imbuing him with glowing white eyes. Sub-Zero destroys Sektor in a final duel, fatally ripping his head and spine out of his body before the building caves in. Outside the burning temple, the surviving Lin Kuei members watch as Sub-Zero climbs out of the debris. Sub-Zero relinquishes the Dragon Medallion, but the Lin Kuei elect him their new Grandmaster. Days later, the fires are out, the dead are buried, the palace is under repair, and the clan gathers in the throne room. Sub-Zero announces his decision to reform the Lin Kuei as a force for good, committed to the protection of Earthrealm, and sits the throne. *camera zooms in, Mortal Kombat! theme kicks off, cut to black, roll credits*