Fan Casting Ashley Tisdale as Darth Vader in Star Wars (Voice Actors Abridged)

tomzillawash3r3 made this fan casting suggestion on September 17, 2020. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Ashley Tisdale as Darth Vader in Star Wars (Voice Actors Abridged)

Ashley TisdaleUnited States

39 years old
Ashley Michelle Tisdale (born July 2, 1985) is an American actress and singer. During her childhood, she was featured in over 100 advertisements and had minor roles in television and theatre. She a...
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Star Wars (Voice Actors Abridged)

Star Wars (Voice Actors Abridged)

Based on Twisted Toons and ‎Talkin' Toons
by Jeff Zannini and the Voice Actors
Everyone's favorite voice actors dub/ad lib in their most well-known characters and celebrity impressions as the characters from the original Star Wars trilogy, featuring special guest appearances!...
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Ashley Tisdale is known for her roles in Donnie Darko, Scary Movie 5, and High School Musical. She has been suggested by fans for 3,176 roles on myCast, including Karen Jones in Red Dead Redemption.. Similar actors include Emily Skinner, Madisyn Shipman, and Merit Leighton. Ashley Tisdale was suggested to play Darth Vader in Star Wars (Voice Actors Abridged) by tomzillawash3r3. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Dwayne Johnson, Clancy Brown, and Keith David. Star Wars (Voice Actors Abridged) has 33 roles, including Guest Appearances, Princess Leia, and Han Solo.