Fan Casting Laurence Fishburne as Darth Vader in Star Wars: Original Trilogy Remake

efficientsuit6230 made this fan casting suggestion on June 10, 2022. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Laurence Fishburne as Darth Vader in Star Wars: Original Trilogy Remake

Laurence FishburneUnited States

63 years old
Laurence John Fishburne III (born July 30, 1961; usually credited as Larry Fishburne until 1993) is an American actor. He is a three-time Emmy Award and Tony Award winner known for his roles on sta...
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Star Wars: Original Trilogy Remake

Star Wars: Original Trilogy Remake

Episode 4-6 Remake (2025-2029)
by efficientsuit6230
Story follows Luke Skywaker on his journey to becoming a Jedi Knight and defeating the Galactic Empire. On his journey he has to free his sister with the helps of a smuggler, a pilot and an exiled ...
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0 comments on Laurence Fishburne as Darth Vader in Star Wars: Original Trilogy Remake

Laurence Fishburne is known for his roles in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, The Matrix, and Man of Steel. He has been suggested by fans for 5,607 roles on myCast, including New Actors/Actresses We Want To See in What We Want In The MonsterVerse. Similar actors include Keith David, Denzel Washington, and Samuel L. Jackson. Laurence Fishburne was suggested to play Darth Vader in Star Wars: Original Trilogy Remake by efficientsuit6230. Star Wars: Original Trilogy Remake has 45 roles, including Luke Skywalker, Moff Tiaan Jerjerrod, and Princess Leia Organa.

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