Revan, once known as the Dark Lord of the Sith, is a human male who plays pivotal roles as both Jedi and Sith in the Mandalorian Wars and Jedi Civil War. Revan is the most powerful Jedi of his era. During the Mandalorian Wars, Revan was considered the Jedi Order's greatest champion and strategist. Revan speaks and comprehends a variety of languages beyond his native Basic: Mando'a, Binary, Huttese, Shyriiwook, Selkath and that of the ancient Sith. After the Mandalorians Wars were won, he and his friend Malak went into the Unknown Regions...and returned as powerful Sith and started the Jedi Civil War. Eventually, the Jedi made an attempt to capture Revan...
Fan Casting
Keanu Reeves
Ben Barnes
Tom Hiddleston
Sam Witwer
Luke Evans
Tom Ellis
Michael Fassbender
Michael Shannon
Robert Pattinson
Josh Holloway
Tyler Blackburn
Dan Stevens
Troy Baker
Steven Strait
Jonny Weston
Ben Affleck
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