Fan Casting Val Kilmer as Han Solo in Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy

michaelcosby made this fan casting suggestion on January 2, 2022. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Val Kilmer as Han Solo in Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy

Val KilmerUnited States

65 years old
Val Edward Kilmer (born December 31, 1959) is an American actor. Originally a stage actor, Kilmer became popular in the mid-1980s after a string of appearances in comedy films, starting with Top Se...
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Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy

Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy

1999 - 2005
by Timothy Zahn
Approximately five years after the events depicted in Return of the Jedi, the Rebel Alliance, now known as the New Republic, has driven out the remnants of the old Imperial Starfleet to a distant c...
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Val Kilmer is known for his roles in Top Gun: Maverick, Heat, and Top Gun. He has been suggested by fans for 1,964 roles on myCast, including Captain America in MCU 90's (Reboot). Similar actors include Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, and George Clooney. Val Kilmer was suggested to play Han Solo in Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy by michaelcosby. Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy has 22 roles, including Khabarakh, Joruus C'baoth, and Ben Solo.

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