Fan Casting Baby Yoda as The child in Star wars

wil0076 made this fan casting suggestion on February 16, 2021. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Baby Yoda as The child in Star wars

Baby Yoda

55 years old
Grogu, known by his fans as "Baby Yoda", is 50 years old, but he still seems a bit behind developmentally. ... We learn Baby Yoda's age in the first episode, where Mando is told he's being tasked w...
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Fan Casting

Baby Yoda


The child


Star wars

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Star wars

Star wars

Canon and legends characters casting.
by Ellis B Williams
It's a alternate timeline were characters from canon and legends were in the same timeline. it's set 2 years after ROTJ and Han and Leia are living happily with there kid Jacen Solo, while Luke has...
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Baby Yoda has been suggested by fans for 52 roles on myCast, including Cutest Character in Best & Worst of Fictional Characters. Similar actors include Yoda, BB-8, and Darth Maul. Baby Yoda was suggested to play The child in Star wars by wil0076. Star wars has 31 roles, including Jaina solo, Han solo, and Director.

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