Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) is bitten by a radioactive spider and now is a superhero from four months. In this time, he's trying to combine his school duty and the superhero life. But a very bad villain and a disaster will complicate the life of our friendly neighborhood Spidermanread more
Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) is bitten by a radioactive spider and now is a superhero from four months. In this time, he's trying to combine his school duty and the superhero life. But a very bad villain and a disaster will complicate the life of our friendly neighborhood Spiderman
Description of A Shocking Hitman for Heir (Second Post Credit Scene):
Harry Osborn, after his father goes in prison, decide to create a task force for hunting Spiderman. And this task force is controlled by a criminal called Herman Schultz, also called The Schoker.
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